As a people of sight, we can sometimes look around and see clues of what God is saying in the words and pictures (especially pictures in nature) that we see and hear, right? So I wanted to share what I can see God speaking through this situation of a global pause, or global reset.
1. OK, so I was thinking about the Tabernacle, in particular, the laver. Before they could go to the holy place, they had to wash their hands and feet, right? They couldn’t advance beyond that place with dirty hands. The whole point is to advance to the holiest place, right? So it made me think of something we are hearing a lot lately. What is it we have been hearing for quite a while now, on TV, etc? “WASH YOUR HANDS!" Hmm, do you think this might be a message for the world from the Lord? Then I looked at several scriptures on that; here are a few: Psalm 24:3-4 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. Psalm 18:20 The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands He has recompensed me. Psalm 73:13 Surely I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocence. James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Exodus 30:21 So they shall wash their hands and their feet, lest they die. And it shall be a statute forever to them—to him and his descendants throughout their generations. The washing of our hands produces purity and innocence. It symbolically represents cleansing the heart and renewal. We all want revival, we want to see increase, but could the Lord be telling us that we need to wash our hands first? Anyway, what I see is that washing our hands means getting rid of the junk, the debris from the world, cleansing our lives, repenting for sin, etc. This is what comes before revival- repentance! Then we can advance. 2. I was also reminded of the recent snow we had here in Oklahoma; do you remember? I love these scriptures: Psalm 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. The snow seemed to come and then it left quickly. There was enough snow to make a snowman even! I don’t remember any snow like that in recent years, do you? Some has fallen in the past but not enough to make a snowman. Snow typically represents cleansing, cleanliness, purity and Innocence. A snowman represents a righteous man; a pure heart. Folks made snowmen on that day. But it melted the next day! For me, it was a message; a prophetic picture, if you will. They were showing us what is coming, how this is what God is looking for, a righteous body of Christ; for us to be cleansed so we will be made into those righteous ones, whiter than snow. Of course, we are already made righteous, by the blood of Jesus. But, like when Jesus washed Peter’s feet- we still need to wash our hands. We are still in this world, so we need to repent- to change our thoughts, change our wrong motives or habits, etc. 3. Rain. We are all familiar with these scriptures: Psalm 72:6 He shall come down like rain upon the grass before mowing, like showers that water the earth. Hosea 6:3 Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth. Have you noticed that there has been a lot of rain lately, especially here in Oklahoma? Like record breaking amounts? The weatherman keeps reminding us of the rain; he is saying,"rain rain go away! We don't need anymore rain"! But, the rain keeps coming... Then, I was reminded of the floods last year in Oklahoma-wow. Rain is another symbol of cleansing. Of course, rain is symbolic of the outpouring of God’s Spirit. In the last rain we had, we even saw a rainbow! I took a picture on Saturday; it was so pretty. The rainbow represents the promises of God! The rain we have been experiencing is a picture of the cleansing and pouring out of God’s Holy Spirit. And then after we will see the promises. The fact that it keeps repeating, (it keeps raining) well, I think there is a message there, right? It’s like God is saying, “I am cleansing the land, get ready, I’m pouring out my spirit on all flesh. Do you not see it? Do you not perceive it? And get ready, I will fulfill all those promises!” Wow, so God is telling us to wash our hands, repent, and He is saying He is bringing the snow and rain as a sign of what is coming. God is speaking! So then how do we respond? What can we be doing during this major reset in our lives? I think there are a few things that will help. We can use this time to advance ourselves spiritually. We can re-set our spiritual lives. 1. Seek the Lord. Pray. Spend some more time in the Word. It is always a good time to seek God, but how much more now in this crisis? Read and pray Psalm 91 over you. Soak in the Lord! I am reading Carol Arnott’s new book on soaking, and it is reminding me of the benefits of soaking; just taking that time to spend with the Lord. (She was also on Sid Roth too! She did such an amazing job!) 2. Take communion daily. Apply the blood over your household, church, state and nation. 3. It would be a great time to get out the promises that have been spoken over you, and rehearse what God has said. Declare and decree those promises! They are yet to come to pass! 4. Do what you can to improve your immune system, and overall health. Do a Daniel fast. Take Vitamin C, or other supplements. Get some fresh air. Many in my neighborhood are taking walks. Take a walk! Get some exercise. 5. Stay in peace, and give that away to others as much as possible. I think this is a time where there is a shaking especially in the world- so we should reach out to folks who don’t know the Lord! Their lives are being shaken so they can know Him. We can reach out to our neighbors, etc and for those who are working, they can reach out to their co-workers, etc. I believe it is a time for us to fall more in love with the Lord and to deepen our walk; then we will see the promises manifest. So yes, wash your hands, and ask God to prepare you for all of the amazing things yet to come!
Concerning the coming harvest, here is a prophetic word given by the late Bob Jones:
“He said I am going to bring 1 billion youth to myself in one of the greatest awakenings of all time. I’m going to glorify Myself beyond anything that has ever happened that’s every been done in scripture. I am going to repeat it thousands and thousands of times. And I want you to go back and tell them this is what I am going to do in one great wave. So throughout the years I have stayed alive because I am going to see it. I was told I would see the first of it. I will see it. I was also told that I would see the glory. The glory is here to stay, it will never leave again. And that glory is a preparation for a harvest beyond imagination. One billion youth, over half the population of the world is under 18. One billion at once. I am not saying that will be all because there will be those that are already saved. One great harvest. One great increase of over a billion. I believe that it will probably begin around the year of 2020. I believe the first harvest are those that are being sown now by the remnant seed. Those who have been faithful to Christ and looked towards Him and still believed. There’s been a death take place in their life and an impartation of righteousness. Where they become like that seed that is planted on the other side of the cross. There are 2 sides of the cross. One is to die and the other side is the spirit of holiness to where we become like a seed and where we raise up we will become like that, a holy seed that will have resurrection power in it and be able to minister out of that to how many come to us. It will be a multiplication of the seed. So right now until the year 2012, see the first harvest. And it will be greater than anything you have ever seen. After that there will be a gathering in of the first harvest and it will be re-sown for a second harvest. And I believe the 2nd harvest will go between 2012 and 2020. And then it will be gathered into the granary and sowed for a 3rd harvest. And out of that 3rd harvest they will be a billion souls come to the Lord. Most of them will be young. But I believe now is not to the youth as much as to the over 50’s. The over 50’s must come in now to oversee it, protect it. Get behind it, never in front of it. Finance it, motivate it, direct it. I believe what He is speaking now to these mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers is to get a vision, that your life don't end at 50, it begins. And it goes on from now on. And so I believe what the Holy Spirit is waiting for now is for the older people, the Joshua’s to get into place. Joshua was not a youth, he was an old man when he crossed the Jordan. And the Joshua's as being called to stand up again and begin to lead again. Bring the fathers and the grandfathers back into the body of Christ so they can direct the youth. And the youth once you get behind it and point the direction, you wont need to get in front of it, they will take it. For youth are looking for something and they are searching everywhere. And they are the brightest of any generation that has ever been on the earth . They are those foreknown and predestinated. And when they find Christ they will find what they are looking for. And they will go out the whole world. They won't be afraid to go places or to those that are dangerous. But they will go everyplace because they have found Him. They have looked in drugs and immorality and all kinds of other spirituality things and they have not found any basis or truth in it. They are looking for the truth, they are looking for the true church. And we are getting ready to see the true church come and I believe it is going to be in the over 50’s first. That underneath it will be like leaders that prepare. But the youth are coming.” The world seems to be in an upheaval since the introduction of this annoying virus. It is all that the news is showing. Many are in fear and panic as they wonder what is going to happen to the virus, the economy, the stock market, etc. But for those of us who put our trust in the Lord, our admonition is to not be afraid. We remain strong and courageous as we pray and seek Him during this time of great shaking. I personally believe that the enemy is responsible for this virus, and he intended it for evil—to thwart the plans of God. However, I also believe that our God will overturn the enemies plans, and we will see a great victory. Reader, do not fear! This is not the end.
Many also are wondering, "Is this the time of the great tribulation?" "What is happening on the earth?" I want to share something that changed my perspective of the day we are living in. We are living in the time that is close to the return of the Lord. However, this day is not the end of time. Here is a 100 year prophecy by the late prophet Bob Jones. I believe that God is not in a hurry to build His church, like we are. Read this prophecy which was probably written in the 2000's; I am not sure when. BOB JONES: Years ago, The Lord gave me a 100-year prophecy.
So, during this 'pause', let us seek the Lord. He has a plan for each of us—there is something specific for each one of us to do. Let us find our assignment and continue building His Kingdom. And may we live each day in faith, and not in fear. There is still time, so make the most of the time you have! A while back, my husband and I were watching an old movie. It was called The Real Howard Spitz. It was about a washed out detective novelist looking for something else in life—who started writing children’s books. But he wasn’t sure of himself. There is a part in the movie where he hired someone to pretend to be him. He thought someone else could represent him better. But it didn’t work out well at all. In the end, he only succeeded by being himself.
I think this picture represents many in the body of Christ. We are called to be like Jesus, and do the things Jesus did. But in truth, we haven’t accepted our true identity. When we look around, if we are truthful we don’t see much of the demonstration of our faith. We sometimes look like the world; we live their lifestyle, we get stressed when they are stressed and we watch their entertainment. It’s sometimes hard to tell who the unbeliever is and who the believer is! WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR ARMOR? DID IT FALL OFF? I found these references concerning the armor we are to wear. There are three— the armor of light, the armor of righteousness and the whole armor of God. ROMANS 13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. 14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. ROMANS 6:7 by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left.. EPHESIANS 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. But what happened to our light? Is it dim? Fading or going out? And our righteousness? Did we have a memory lapse where we forgot who we were? And what about our armor? Where is it? Well, I think our armor fell off! We dropped our shield of faith, we lost our shoes and our belt is hanging on with a thread! Our helmet has a lot of holes in it, and our sword is rusting out from lack of use! Oh, and did I mention that our breastplate is falling off? Well, frankly, we are not dressed properly! To me the armor of God is like putting on Jesus. Paul describes this armor that we are to wear: Ephesians 6:14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. PUT ON THE ARMOR OF GOD There are 6 things that we should be wearing as Christians. It is a covering from head to toe! 1. WAIST: The belt of truth. Truth holds everything together! His Word is truth. 2. COVER THE HEART: The breastplate of righteousness. We are the righteousness of God in Christ- it is who we are because of Jesus. He made us righteous. 3. FEET: Shoes fitted with peace. We wear gospel shoes—so we carry the peace of God with us, and share the gospel in our daily walk. 4. ARM: The shield of faith. It is to quench the darts of the enemy—when he wants to attack our heart. We cover our heart with our faith. 5. HEAD: The helmet of salvation. We keep our mind on the Word. 6. ARM: The sword of the Spirit; the Word of God. Again, we use the sword; we speak the Word of God. 7. STANDING: The understood stance of this all is in prayer. So this is what how we should be dressed—like a soldier, because we ARE soldiers! Listen, anyone who is a Christian is in a battle, right? The battle is between darkness and light. That’s why we are exhorted by Paul to put on the armor of light. It isn’t darkness but light. We put on the light, which is Jesus. We should be covered from head to toe; if we drop one piece, it affects the whole suit! For example, if you dropped your helmet, you probably won’t go far. If you drop your shield or sword, you can be sure the rest of you will be affected! We don’t act like the world; we put on our armor. We are not afraid. In fact, we put the devil to flight. We submit to God and the enemy flees from us in terror. The truth is he is already under our feet. So in the face of adversity, we respond like Jesus would. We are victorious in every situation. I think taking our shield of faith is vitally important. Without faith, we cannot please God. I remember when we lived in Africa, and my oldest son was about 2 months old. He was sick. He had spots all over his body. We didn’t have a doctor there, and we were learning how to trust the Lord. We just prayed and believed God. And in three days he was totally healed! We had many testimonies of healing, and provision. Over and over we witnessed the power of God in our daily lives. We had to use our faith—it was not optional. WHY DON’T WE SEE THE POWER OF GOD TODAY? Personally, I think there is little reason for some to use their faith. Oh, they have faith, it’s just that our lives are easier here. We don't need to use our faith. We have doctors and we can take medicine. We have essential oils, and we have supplements! Some of us have health insurance! We can even borrow money. We really don’t have a need to be "desperate" in using our faith. When I lived in Africa, I was desperate! I was desperate for the healing power of God, for the provision of God. We had to trust God for everything. But here it is not as necessary. So what do we do? Well, we can stir up our own faith. We can make ourselves desperate for more of God. We can practice using our faith. We can stir up our hunger. The book of Acts records a group of people who were hungry for whatever God had for them. They met and fasted and prayed together—often. They stirred up their faith. I’m sure they had on their armor, their belt was on tight, and they had a sharpened sword, because they used the Word often. Their shoes were probably worn out, for so many folks were coming to the Lord on a daily basis. They kept their helmet on tight too; they constantly reminded each other of the Words of Jesus. And they saw not only salvations but also the miracle working power of God in demonstration! GOD ALWAYS HAS A REMNANT I believe there is a remnant that is busy polishing their swords. They are busy fixing their belt, and putting straps on their sandals. They have picked up their shield of faith. They are securing their helmets and breastplates, and guarding their hearts. They are making themselves ready. They want to look and act just like Jesus in this season; not just walk in the fruit of the Spirit but also demonstrate the power of God to a lost and dying world. No one will mistake them in their identity, for they love and act just like the one they have consecrated their lives to. They will be the "real" Christians. Reader, are you one of them? |
AuthorJackie and her husband Bob have been blessed to raise four sons, all Eagle Scouts. Jackie loves the study of dreams, visions and prophetic language. Archives
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